A: TACPAC is an appropriate specialist intervention for anyone with:
Sensory processing difficulties – this includes those who are sensory seekers and those who show sensory under-responsivities or sensory over-responsivities.
Emotional regulation difficulties – often due to having unmet underlying sensory needs.
Communication difficulties – not exclusively, but especially those that are functioning at early stages of communication development.
Difficulty being able to be reached through conventional communication means – whether this be due to their cognitive level, communication abilities, a sensory impairment, or a lack of understanding of the conventional ‘rules’ of social interaction
Attachment difficulties – those who have not formed a strong bond with their caregiver – this may be due to being removed from birth parent due to being fostered or adopted, not having much physical contact with parents due to requiring medical interventions, e.g., being in an incubator, those who have suffered trauma.
Social, Emotional and mental health needs – those for whom these needs create a barrier which needs to be overcome.
A learning disability – those whose development is delayed for whatever reason.
Challenging behavioural needs – those who communicate a need in a way that challenges other people.
Experiences of negative touch e.g., early life prolonged ITU stay.
Primarily, give TACPAC a go. We recommend spending at least 6 months on each Set. This timeframe is beneficial for lots of reasons, not least to find out if TACPAC is going to be a suitable sustainable intervention for your Receiver. If they are reluctant to begin with don’t give up straight away. Introduce it slowly and surely as you would anything new. Keep all the consistencies, as described above, in order to eliminate the variables of resistance. If TACPAC is the right intervention your Receiver will soon demonstrate this to you through their responses. TACPAC isn’t for everyone so don’t pursue it ad infinitum as it will negate what you are trying to achieve.